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LMS Perfect World - Help Page

Remember: GM will never ask you for password, or offer any free items. Avoid scammers and report them with ss imediately. List of our GM's you can see on left side of the site.
Real GM have 2 red gm signs next to his name -

Guides: For instructions on how to install/patch client read here

If you have troubles with autoupdater, reboot your PC and try again, if doesnt help then replace elementclient.exe with this one.

Guide to Avoid Scam! - everyone MUST READ!

Howto change/restore password or bank pass: show
To change password use this link
To restore password you need to send request through email to from your registered account email and provide next information:
- account name
- char name
- server
- new desired password (password is lowercase and must not contain any special characters)
Howto change/restore email: show
To restore email you need to send request through email to from any email and provide next information:
- account name
- char name
- server
You will recieve your email in reply
To change email you need to send request through email to from your registered account email and provide next information:
- account name
- char name
- server
- new desired email
How to add custom icon for your guild:show
All level 3 guilds can create & upload their custom guild icon at this page (upload icon link at begining of toplist). The Icons will appear with next update.
If you have "Client folder corrupted" error or "zlibwapi.dll" error:show
Most likely you have installed the lmspw patch to the wrong directory. Make sure its installed in your perfect world client root directory.
Also try run patcher with admin rights.

Forum Guides section

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